The power of collaboration: working together for a greener future - Part 2

The science speaks for itself. We know what needs to be done and what threatens to happen if the climate crisis worsens. We have the technologies to herald a turnaround. Nevertheless, we are still a long way from a sustainable and climate-neutral future, both nationally and internationally. Where are the key levers and how can we work together to break through the barriers to a transformation of the economy and society? Where do we need new, perhaps unusual alliances for the climate and a sustainable future? Philipp Blom will be discussing this with Leonore Gewessler (Federal Minister for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology), Georg Pölzl (CEO Austrian Post), Hartwig Hufnagl (CEO ASFINAG), Klara König (Fridays for Future) and Sophie Kaitlin Drescher (Moderator & Founder GREEN).
