17 Sustainable Developement Goals (SDG)

The 2030 Agenda, consisting of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), represents a global roadmap aimed at promoting sustainable peace, prosperity and the protection of our planet. Since its launch in 2016, all countries have worked together to integrate this ambitious vision into their national development plans to fight poverty and reduce inequalities. Particular attention has been paid to the needs and priorities of the most vulnerable populations and countries, as meeting the 17 goals by 2030 is only possible if no one is left behind.

Goal 1: No poverty

The first goal of the 2030 Agenda is to end poverty in all its forms and everywhere.
Despite considerable progress, almost one in ten people worldwide were still living in households with an income of less than USD 1.90 per capita per day at the end of 2015. In sub-Saharan Africa in particular, poverty affects up to 42 percent of the population.
Poverty includes not only a lack of income, but also hunger, malnutrition, limited access to education and basic services, social discrimination and exclusion as well as a lack of involvement in decision-making processes.
To achieve the goal, economic growth must be inclusive and create sustainable jobs. The introduction of social protection systems is crucial to alleviate suffering in disaster areas and mitigate economic risks. These measures strengthen the resilience of the population and help to overcome extreme poverty in the most affected regions.

Goal 2: No hunger

The second goal of the 2030 Agenda is to end hunger, achieve food security and promote sustainable agriculture.
There is an urgent need to rethink our approaches to growing, trading and consuming food. Agriculture, forestry and fisheries can provide nutritious food while generating income, supporting rural development and protecting the environment.
Currently, our natural resources such as soils, water, oceans, forests and biodiversity are being severely degraded, exacerbated by climate change. Millions of people in rural areas can no longer live off their land, while poor food security leads to severe malnutrition.
To feed the 815 million people suffering from hunger and the additional two billion people expected to be undernourished by 2050, a fundamental transformation of the global food and agriculture system is needed. Investment in agriculture is crucial to increase productivity and sustainable food systems are necessary to reduce the risk of hunger.

Goal 3: Good health and well-being

Promoting healthy lives and well-being for all at all ages is the goal of the third SDG.
Despite progress in life expectancy and the reduction of child and maternal mortality, we need to do more to achieve the target of fewer than 70 maternal deaths per 100,000 births by 2030.
To reduce premature deaths from non-communicable diseases by a third by 2030, we need more efficient clean cooking technologies and comprehensive education on the risks of tobacco use.
Through better health financing, improved sanitation, easier access to doctors and reducing air pollution, we can make significant progress and save millions of lives.

Goal 4: Quality education

The next goal of the 2030 Agenda is inclusive, equitable and quality education for all and the promotion of lifelong learning.
Quality education is crucial for sustainable development and enables innovative solutions to global challenges.
Currently, over 265 million children worldwide are not in school, 22 percent of them of primary school age, and many of those who are in school lack basic literacy and numeracy skills. Although progress has been made to improve access to education, further efforts need to be made to achieve universal education goals. Although gender equality has been achieved in elementary school, this goal remains unfulfilled at higher levels of education.
Causes for the lack of quality education include inadequately trained teachers, poor school infrastructure and unequal opportunities for children in rural areas. In order to provide all families with access to quality education, investment in educational scholarships, teacher training, school construction and improved water and electricity supply at schools is urgently needed.

Goal 5: Gender equality

The goal of achieving gender equality and empowering women and girls continues to be important despite some progress in the Millennium Development Goals.
Women and girls around the world continue to be victims of discrimination and violence. Around one in five women and girls between the ages of 15 and 49 have experienced physical or sexual violence from their partner within a year. In 49 countries there are no laws to protect against domestic violence. Although progress has been made on harmful practices such as child marriage and female genital mutilation, much remains to be done to eliminate these practices completely.
Women's and girls' access to education, health care, jobs and their participation in political decision-making processes is crucial for sustainable economic growth and the well-being of society. New legal frameworks to promote equality in the workplace and eliminate harmful practices are needed to end widespread gender discrimination.

Goal 6: Clean water and sanitation

Goal 6 of the 2030 Agenda is to ensure access to clean water and sanitation for all.
Although sufficient freshwater is available, millions of people die every year from water-related diseases due to a lack of water supply and hygiene.
Water scarcity and poor water quality affect the livelihoods of billions of people. By 2050, one in four people are expected to live in countries with water shortages. Despite progress, the challenge remains.
It is crucial to invest in the management of water resources and sanitation facilities, especially in developing countries in Africa, Central Asia and Asia.

Goal 7: Affordable and clean energy

Goal 7, ensuring universal access to affordable and sustainable energy, is crucial for numerous global challenges. Energy is fundamental for employment, security, climate protection and economic development. It is closely linked to other Sustainable Development Goals and contributes to creating more resilient communities.
Billions of people worldwide lack access to clean energy and are exposed to harmful air pollution. Although progress has been made in the use of renewable energy, the challenge remains. Increased efforts are needed to improve access to clean energy sources and integrate renewable energy in different sectors.
Increased public and private investment and the promotion of innovative business models are needed to transform energy systems worldwide.

Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth

Goal 8 of the 2030 Agenda aims to achieve sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.
Despite global progress, around half of the world's population still lives on less than two US dollars a day and the unemployment rate is 5.7 percent. This highlights the need for a comprehensive rethink of economic and social policy in order to eradicate poverty.
In order to achieve sustainable economic growth, high-quality jobs must be created to boost the economy and protect the environment. It is also important to improve access to financial services and increase commitments to trade, banking and agriculture in order to increase productivity and reduce unemployment.

Goal 9: Industry, innovation and infrastructure

It is critical to build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation.
Investments in transportation, irrigation, energy and information technology are essential for sustainable development and strengthen communities worldwide. Manufacturing is a major driver of the economy and employment, yet value added in the least developed countries is only US$100 per capita compared to over US$4,500 in Europe and North America.
The reduction of carbon dioxide emissions in manufacturing is an important aspect that has made progress in some countries in recent years. However, progress varies around the world. Technological progress is crucial for improved resource and energy efficiency and thus for environmental goals. Innovation is essential for successful industrialization and development. There is a need for increased investment in high-tech products and the expansion of mobile services to improve communication between people.

Goal 10: Reduce inequalities

Goal 10 of the 2030 Agenda is to reduce inequalities.
Although progress has been made in the fight against poverty, inequalities in access to health and education facilities persist. Inclusive economic growth is crucial to effectively combat poverty.
Income inequality has decreased, both between and within countries. Progress has also been made on more favorable export conditions for the least developed countries.
Policy measures must be universal and take into account the needs of disadvantaged population groups. This includes greater support for exports from developing countries and an increase in their voting share in international organizations such as the IMF. Technological innovations can also help to reduce the money transfer costs of migrant workers.

Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities

The goal is to make cities more inclusive, safer, more resilient and more sustainable.
Cities are centers of innovation, commerce, culture and social development. With the number of urban dwellers rising to 5 billion people by 2030, efficient urban planning and management practices must be developed to meet the challenges of urbanization.
Managing cities to sustain jobs and prosperity without harming the environment is difficult. Challenges such as traffic congestion, inadequate basic services and air pollution need to be addressed.
Overcoming urban challenges requires improved resource utilization, waste management and poverty reduction. Investment in municipal waste collection is one example. Cities should provide opportunities for all, with access to basic services, energy, housing and transportation.

Goal 12: Sustainable consumption and production

Sustainable consumption and production aim to promote resource and energy efficiency and ensure access to basic services, green jobs and a better quality of life. These measures support long-term development goals, reduce future costs and strengthen competitiveness while reducing poverty.
Material consumption is increasing, especially in East Asia, and pollution remains a challenge. Sustainable consumption and production can increase prosperity by reducing resource consumption and pollution and improving quality of life. It is important to involve the entire supply chain and educate consumers about sustainable options, provide standards and labels and promote sustainable sourcing practices.

Goal 13: Climate protection measures

The 13th goal is to take immediate action to combat climate change and its impacts.
Climate change affects every country in the world and influences economies and daily life. The consequences are already being felt and will continue to worsen. More extreme weather events and rising sea levels threaten the livelihoods of many people, especially the poorest. Solutions to curb emissions and adaptation are available and are increasingly being used. With the Paris Agreement, the international community has taken an important step towards limiting the rise in temperature. However, it is crucial that all countries work together to tackle this global challenge.

Goal 14: Life below water

Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development under Goal 14.
The oceans are vital for the Earth as they regulate the climate and provide food and oxygen. Despite their importance, they are endangered by pollution, which affects ecosystems and biodiversity. To protect the oceans, marine protected areas must be effectively managed and measures taken against overfishing and marine pollution.

Goal 15: Life on land

The next goal deals with the following topics: Protect, restore and sustainably use terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification and halt biodiversity loss.
Forests are vital for food, climate regulation and the protection of biodiversity. Despite protective measures, millions of hectares of forest are lost every year, and the degradation of drylands is leading to desertification over an area of 3.6 billion hectares. These developments threaten the lives of millions and efforts to reduce poverty.
There are global efforts to manage forests and combat desertification, including international agreements and financial investments to promote biodiversity.

Goal 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions

Goal 16 is to promote peaceful and inclusive societies through access to justice and strong institutions.
Global efforts are needed to combat homicide, violence against children, human trafficking and sexual violence. This is crucial to ensure access to justice for all and to build strong, accountable institutions at all levels.
Although cases of murder and human trafficking are on the decline, certain regions such as Latin America, sub-Saharan Africa and Asia remain affected by these threats. Violations of children's rights through aggression and sexual violence are widespread and compounded by a lack of reporting and data.
To address these challenges, more transparent regulations and more comprehensive public budgets are needed. A first step towards strengthening individual rights is global birth registration and the strengthening of independent national human rights institutions.

Goal 17: Partnerships to achieve the goals

The final goal is to strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development.
Successful implementation of the sustainable development agenda requires partnerships between governments, the private sector and civil society at global, regional, national and local levels. These partnerships are based on shared principles and a common vision that puts people and the planet at the center.
It is critical to mobilize, redirect and unleash the transformative power of private resources to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. Long-term investment in key areas such as sustainable energy, infrastructure and technology is particularly necessary in developing countries. The public sector must provide clear guidelines and create framework conditions that enable such investments and promote sustainable development. It is also important to strengthen national oversight mechanisms to ensure effective monitoring and control.

Werde selbst für die SDGs aktiv! Inspiration findest du hier: https://sdgactioncampaign.org/
Alle weiteren und noch ausführlichere Informationen zu den 17 Nachhaltigkeitszielen findest du hier: https://unric.org/en/sdg-1/