Last exit: sustainability - the future of energy

Nothing seems to be more self-evident to the general public than energy. At the same time, facts such as the increasing global demand for energy, including the mobility transition, the tangible climate problem and the fear of whether a risk-free energy supply can be guaranteed at all in the future are shaping the thoughts of the present. One thing is clear now at the latest: humanity must move on from considerations and concepts to joint action, because the right choice and implementation of renewable energy sources will be crucial in the future. And the motto will be to pull together. PULS 24 anchor Werner Sejka discusses this with Oliver Schmerold (ÖAMTC), Lukas Steiner (Polestar), Christiana Hörmann (Siemens Mobility), Peter Umundum (POST), Gitsch Aichberger (Ökostrom), Franz Zöchbauer (Verbund) and Katharina Rogenhofer (Klimavolksbegehren).
