May 15th - 9:10 AM



Panel: Revolutionizing Education - Change of Mind needed for AI in Schools

EdTech, educational technology, could not only be an innovation but a transformative force in our education system. It offers significant opportunities to promote inclusion, integration, and playful learning in schools. From digital learning games to adaptive learning platforms to AI-supported educational tools, EdTech enables personalized learning paths for students with diverse needs. The benefits are clear: interactive and engaging learning experiences that enrich teaching and enhance student engagement. But how can schools be best supported to fully leverage these benefits? Effective integration of EdTech requires not only access to the right technologies but also appropriate training for educators. Furthermore, a collaborative approach is crucial, involving teachers, students, and families to ensure successful use of EdTech. How can everyone come together to create more inclusive and engaging learning environments in schools that meet the diverse needs of all students and educators?

EdTech enables personalized learning paths for students with diverse needs, enhancing the quality of education and promoting inclusion and integration.

Utilizing EdTech as a transformative force in the education system promotes innovations in the technology sector and contributes to the creation of better infrastructure for education.

EdTech offers opportunities to reduce educational inequalities by providing personalized learning opportunities for all students, regardless of their background or needs.

Effective integration of EdTech requires collaboration between schools, teachers, students, and families to ensure successful utilization of the technology and the achievement of educational goals.