May 16th - 12:10 PM



Panel: Austria's Art Renaissance - Exploring Challenges and Visions

Austria educates many artists at internationally renowned art universities. However, for decades, we have primarily been perceived through individual artists rather than specific movements or trends in the art market. What working conditions do artists need? What changes in the art industry do young artists desire? How international, vibrant, and distinctive is the Austrian art scene? What roles do gallerists, museums, and collectors play? How can we reach a new generation of art enthusiasts? What innovative concepts address these challenges?

Educating artists at renowned art universities promotes the quality of education in the artistic field and contributes to cultural development.

The discussion on the working conditions of artists aims to promote fair working conditions and growth in the art industry.

Addressing changes in the art scene and the desires of young artists helps reduce inequalities in the art sector and promotes diversity in artistic expressions.

Emphasizing the internationality, liveliness, and significance of the Austrian art scene can contribute to the creation of sustainable and vibrant cultural communities in urban and rural areas.

Discussing the role of galleries, museums, and collectors, as well as innovative concepts to reach a new generation of art enthusiasts, requires collaborative partnerships among various stakeholders to achieve the goals in the arts and culture sector.