May 15th - 8:55 PM



Panel: Sustainable Future - Quick Wins vs. Longterm Strategies

Our global challenges—be it corporate, transnational, or environmental such as climate change—signify a profound transformation of our world into something entirely new. Yet, the path forward remains uncertain, with no quick fixes in sight. In this pivotal era, we turn to bastions of large-scale problem solving like CERN and ESA, which have demonstrated unparalleled success in pushing the boundaries of human capability. With a history of over 70 years, CERN has consistently met challenges at the cutting edge of science, culminating in results that have earned four Nobel prizes. ESA shares a similar track record of groundbreaking achievements. This raises a pivotal question: Is there a 'secret sauce' to their success that can be applied elsewhere, particularly in sectors free from political and other agendas?
In this thriving panel discussion, hosted by Markus Mooslechner, Director and Executive Producer at Terra Mater Studios, we will explore if and how the methodologies and collaborative approaches pioneered by these scientific institutions can be translated into strategies for sustainable development and innovation across various industries. At the same time, the panel sheds light on brave industries that are in the process of pioneering paths toward a sustainable and globally better future, experiencing trial and error while navigating this sensitive topic. We conclude with a pressing question: Is capitalism an important driver or hindrance for societal change, long-term strategies, and a catalyst for the achievement of the global sustainability development goals?

Companies that promote long-term thinking demonstrably create more jobs, thus contributing to the goal of sustainable economic growth.

Advocating for sustainability and innovation by companies supports the development of innovative technologies and infrastructures essential for a sustainable future.

The transition from short-term to long-term thinking promotes more sustainable consumption and responsible production, contributing to the reduction of environmental impacts.

Long-term thinking and investments in sustainability help combat climate change and create a greener future.

The panel serves as a catalyst for change, calling for a collective mindset shift towards a greener future, requiring collaborative partnerships between governments, businesses, civil society, and academia.