May 14th - 4:45 PM



Panel: Safeguarding the Future: The Crucial Role of Cybersecurity in AI

AI is rapidly transforming our world, driving innovation across industries. The potential of AI, especially generative AI, is immense. However, as AI evolves, so do the cyber threats targeting these systems. Cyberattacks cost the global economy an estimated $8 trillion in 2023 - a sum that is set to rise to $10.5 trillion by 2025 (Cybersecurity Ventures). To build a more secure and resilient digital future, a security-first mindset is key. Policymakers and practitioners alike will need to explore solutions to protect AI systems against threats and novel strategies to use generative AI to outsmart emerging threats.The panel will delve into why AI can disproportionately help defend against cybersecurity threats and strategies to maximize AI safety, which is integral to the responsible advancement of AI.