The green revolution on set: sustainable production in the film industry

"In a world that is increasingly focusing on sustainability, the film industry is also being called upon to minimize its ecological footprint. But how is it possible to combine the glamorous with the green and what is green producing anyway? The panel discussion, moderated by Anita Malli, will explore the questions and hidden paths that film productions are taking to master the dance with energy and reduce CO2 emissions. From the secret backdrops of energy-efficient lighting to the sun-drenched possibilities of renewable energy, a multi-layered labyrinth of options lies before us. But a look behind the scenes reveals more than just the fight against energy consumption. How can the amount of waste be minimized without stifling creativity? A look at the methods and materials that set the green standard is essential. No production stands alone in this battle. Mobility is a common front, with electric vehicles and car pools standing as allies in the battle against environmental pollution on set. Why is it worth going green producing, what experiences have production companies had with it and what obstacles have they overcome? ? In this discussion, answers will be sought that are not only ecologically but also artistically convincing and can shape the future of the film industry. Anita Malli, Head of Sustainability & Environment ORF, Mario Kreuzer, filmmaker PKM-Film, Leander Khil, PKM Film, Regina Preslmair, sustainability expert BMK and Josepha Müller-Hartburg, Sustainability Manager & Production Coordinator Terra Mater Studios will discuss these issues."
