MorgenGespräche | The VERBUND-Energy Breakfast in March 2022

MorgenGespräche | The VERBUND-Energy Breakfast on 29.3.2022

Challenging times need regular dialog. Thus, Austria's leading energy supplier VERBUND invited to another energy breakfast from the series of events MorgenGespräche on Tuesday, March 29, from 08:30 - 09:30. Thanks to a long-standing partnership, 4GAMECHANGERS was able to participate in this interesting morning talk for the first time and provide the Expert:innengespräch here On Demand.





Already the title "Quo vadis security of supply: energy markets in upheaval" under which this morning energy expert roundtable gathered promised an enormous explosiveness and could not be more topical than ever. After all, the continuing challenging times, such as the ongoing Covid crisis and the most recent highly dramatic situation - in Ukraine - have led to massive upheavals in the energy markets, which are directly apparent (including drastic energy price increases as well as great uncertainty with regard to supply security).

In addition, this breakfast round addressed in detail the major questions of what impact the Green Deals will have on the energy market in the supranational context (European Commission) or at the national level (Austria & Germany). Are these ambitious climate targets feasible? And can we make the turnaround to alternative energies together?

The VERBUND-Energy Breakfast from 29.3.2022 now available here on demand: