The age of social emptiness - Is technology making us lonely?

Loneliness - a word that has been sung about in literature for centuries and studied in academic research since the late 20th century. (But it was the Covid-19 pandemic that catapulted it out of the quiet corners and into the limelight, forming the term "loneliness epidemic". In addition to a health risk classified by the WHO, studies show that lonely people also appear to be more susceptible to populism, racism and sexism. But this raises a number of general questions: what role do technologies that are characterized by constant networking play? Are our gadgets and apps our allies in the fight against loneliness or are they driving us even further into digital isolation? And are we still able to build and feel relationships and sexuality away from the touchscreen? Does Tech Really Make Us Lonely? Eliot Mannoia, Digital Psychologist BrandKarma, Dena Simmons, Founder LiberatED, and Michelle Drouin, Psychology Professor, Forensic Consultant, discuss.
