Admission to the event site is only permitted with a valid, personalised ticket and therefore an authorised official identification document must be presented upon request. Holders of reduced tickets, must carry and present an official ID entitling the holder to a corresponding reduction. Upon presentation of the ticket, the participant of the event will receive a band and badge which must be presented on the event premises to the operator of the event premises, the organiser or a person authorised by them at any time upon request.
Persons obviously under the influence of alcohol or under the influence of drugs, hooded persons, persons who behave violently or against public order or who give rise to the concern of such behaviour may be refused entry to the event premises or may be expelled from the event premises.
It is prohibited to carry objects such as glass containers, cans, plastic canisters, pyrotechnic objects, torches and weapons to the event. Violation of this prohibition will result in expulsion from the event site.
Grant of rights: By participating in the event, you agree that the image and sound material created of you may be published without restriction and recorded on image and sound carriers of any kind. These image and sound carriers may be reproduced and distributed, rented and loaned and may be broadcast in any current and future technical procedure, made available on the Internet, publicly reproduced and presented as well as audiovisually exploited in any way. This grant of rights also includes the commercial exploitation of the sound and/or image recordings produced as well as the transfer to third parties. Furthermore, you agree not to assert any claims against ProSiebenSat.1 PULS 4 GmbH or other third parties for the publication of the resulting audio and video recordings. Minors may only participate in the event with the prior consent of their legal representatives, whereby the Vienna Youth Protection Act 2002 (Wiener Jugendschutzgesetz 2002) must be observed.