What protects us from stereotyping?

Unconscious prejudice, known as unconscious bias, is increasingly shaping the world of work. However, it manifests itself in various facets of working life - from mothers who are labeled as unproductive, to career changers whose experience is reduced to their lack of studies, to people over 50 who are not given a chance. The discussion about the influence of unconscious bias on the professional environment and how to combat it is becoming increasingly urgent. At the same time, artificial intelligence (AI) is playing an increasingly important role in HR, automating tasks and optimizing processes. Despite benefits such as increased efficiency, there are risks such as bias and data protection concerns. Conscious integration of AI is crucial in order to maximize benefits and minimize disadvantages. The use of AI in the HR selection process is gaining momentum as companies use trial-and-error approaches to find the best solutions. How can we effectively tackle bias and make the most of the potential of AI in HR and how can we work on ourselves to avoid bias? Dena Simmons, Founder & Executive Director LiberatED, Annahita Esmailzadeh, Tech Leader Microsoft, Business Influencer Linkedin & Bestselling Author, and Nikolai Dürhammer, Managing Director Stepstone Group Austria, will discuss this.
