Agricultural innovation for sustainability

In the area of combating climate change and improving food security, joint co-creation processes between different stakeholders often lead to extraordinary results. The integration of local knowledge and context-specific needs is essential for these efforts. Central to the success of such collaborations is the building of trust, the promotion of shared visions and a commitment to continuous learning. Critical factors for success are the availability of resources, the diverse skills of stakeholders and their ability to seize opportunities and overcome challenges. Innovations aimed at protecting soil health, conserving water resources and protecting biodiversity hold particular potential. These include advances in precision agriculture, the use of renewable energy, the integration of technological innovations or the introduction of new farming methods. Furthermore, it is crucial to ensure equitable access to these innovations for women and young people in order to empower them both as contributors and beneficiaries. Given the urgent need for a sustainable, global transformation of agriculture, it is essential to foster close cooperation between Africa and Europe. This requires a commitment to listening, learning and mutual exchange. By adopting this collaborative approach, we can realize the full potential of agricultural innovation and sustainability and pave the way for a more resilient future for all. This will be discussed at the 4GAMECHANGERS Festival 2024 by Nina Mannheimer, Co-Founder & CPO Klim, Monika Fröhler, CEO Bank Ki-moon, Richard Kachungu, Youth AgriChampion of the Ban Ki-moon Center, and Katharina Keimelmayr, Head of Corporate Communications Nestlé Austria.
