Gender equality in management positions: Is the end of inequality in sight?

2023 marks the 103rd anniversary of gender equality being enshrined in Article 7 of the Austrian Federal Constitution. Gender equality should therefore be neither a new topic nor a trend in Austria. Nevertheless, this year's Equal Pay Day - the day on which men working full-time have already reached the annual income of women working full-time - took place in Austria on February 16, 2023. You could also say that women have worked for free until this day, i.e. 47 days. One day more than in 2022. Furthermore, two out of three management positions are currently still held by men. A fact that demands action from everyone. "Equality moves us all forward, not just women. And it needs all of us to make progress. Much has been achieved, but mission accomplished? Unfortunately not." - a quote from Ursula von der Leyen. Let's finally move on from talk to action, so what needs to happen? ORF anchorwoman Lou Lorenz-Dittelbacher discusses this with Susanne Raab (Federal Minister for Women, Family, Integration and Media), Katharina Wolff (publisher of strive magazine), Irene Fuhrmann (team manager of the Austrian Football Association), Tijen Onaran (entrepreneur and investor ACI Consulting & Globald Digital Woman) and Britta Fleck (Director Customer Solutions Switzerland & Austria Google). In a second panel discussion, the following will sit opposite each other: Silvia Kaupa-Götzl (Board Member Austrian Postbus), Maria Zesch (CEO TAKKT Group), Helene Gressenbauer (President UN Women Austria), Markus Gärtner (CEO Corrugated Packaging at Mondi Group) and Elisabeth Zauner (CEO Emirates Austria).
