4GAMECHANGERS Studio Talk | 20.04.2022

The power of (new) media: Ukraine vs. Russia

War and peace are in fact mutually exclusive, but they have always coexisted, now we live in peace, but in one of our neighbouring countries, there is war - during the last years, war has never been so close to us as the one that is currently happening in Ukraine - not only territorially, but above all also medially, social media platforms such as TIKTOK/ Instagram and co. give us deeper insights into what is happening in Ukraine and have a significant impact on our image of the war, at the same time media coverage around and in Russia is restricted and even forbidden - today we face the questions of forming opinions based on media coverage, what do we see, but above all what do we not see...


  • Sebastian Loudon - Managing Publisher DATUM
  • Uta Rußmann - Prof. for Media and Communications Science University of Innsbruck
  • Susanne Scholl - Journalist & Author
  • Fritz Hausjell - Media Historian
  • Host: Werner Sejka - PULS 4