
DMB. Impact Talk

Demner, Merlicek & Bergmann / DMB. focuses the spotlight on diversity, black lives and social justice. The new DMB. Impact Talk starts with the topic "Diversity" and will take place for the first time on October 29.

Diversity is full of opportunities - for each of us. Communication, above all
Advertising, can be an instrument for equality and equal opportunities.
Companies can not only grow from it, but also simply by
grow out of it.

How can brands take a stand and use diversity to achieve greater impact?
to achieve? And what do communications companies, the media industry,
customers and advertisers like DMB. to do with it?

DMB. Diversity Day

For diversity to succeed, good communication is crucial. Communication and advertising can be used as an instrument for equality and equal opportunities.

The DMB. Diversity Day would like to answer the following questions: What is the current situation in Austria? Can brands take a communicative stance to achieve an impact in terms of social equality? If so, how can they be supported by DMB.

Programm & Speaker

17:30 Intro by DMB.
17:35 Key-Note Ali Mohlodji „I'm no racist, but...“
18:00 Pannel Discussion
18:40 Outro by DMB.